We Sell Gifts That Support Nature Conservation

A Stunning Gift: A Title & Plot Of Land On Na-Koi-Ja-Ma Island

Here Is The Most Stunning Gift Ever!

Buy A Unique Title & Plot of Land on Na-Koi-Ja-Ma Island for Yourself, for a Friend, Family Member of for a Colleague!

This “speech”  was given to a group of young 4×4 off road enthusiast and inspiring conservationists in Koingnaas at Na-Koi-Ja-ma Island, explains everything you want to know about the Tiny Conservation Plots on Na-Koi-Ja-Ma Island.

Thank you everyone for coming – and listening to an old fart like me.

Believe me when I say that when you reached my age and you look back – you will have receive many many gifts in your life. I was lucky and received more gifts in my life that I can remember – for birthdays, for farther days, for love days and other fun days – even for about 60 Christmas’s  – those are the one’s I can remember.

So you can trust me when I say that I am an expert in receiving gifts – I know what I am talking about.

And here is the thing: We all love gifts – and believe me – the best gifts are those stunning surprises; those “lucky packet” type gifts that totally blow your mind – it is fun to open – it is amazing to see – it is a joy to study everything in the gift-pack – and if you lucky – the joy can last for years.

Today I am here to tell you of just such a gift – and you can buy one today – and you should – and here is way.

In my view, it is the BEST gift that money can buy – anywhere in the world.

Can you guess what it is – right? Yes – to buy a royalty or diplomatic title with a tiny plot on Na-Koi-Ja-Ma Island.

It comes with a gift pack that will blow your mind – and you can give it to anyone who is big enough to read and write – man or woman.

Let me start by telling you the amazing story of Na-Koi-Ja-Ma Island and then I will tell you more about these stunning tiny plot gifts. [Redirect to this link to read the story]

It is a beautiful story right?

A private company purchased Na-Koi-Ja-Ma Island from De Beers – the mining group, and then gave custodianship of the island to a conservation tust to look after it, develop it and take care of it.

They did it for one purpose and one purpose only – to raise funds for conservation AND to build a Wild Flower Garden on the island, but most importantly to find ways to create global awareness about the importance of protecting the fauna & flora of Namaqualand.

From the outset the caretakers of the island decided to share their vision for the creation of a Wild Flower Garden with the nature lovers of the world.

They started to sell novelty titles and tiny plots of land with personal rights and custodianship on the island. This immediately helped to raise funds for their conservation projects.

Their First Goal: to plant, to re-plant and re-establish at least ten thousand indigenous Namaqualand Succulent Plants on the island’s fertile soil – creating the Wild Flower Gardens – on individuals owners plots.

But that is not all – they wanted a number of plots owners to get involved in the creation of the Wild Flower Gardens on a voluntary basis – the idea was to get only a few individuals who would choose to get involved – it’s not something that they want to make compulsory – just voluntary.

The amazing thing was that more people got involved to populate their own plots with indigenous Namaqualand Succulent Plants, which they bought from local licensed nurseries – than what the trustees ever hoped would be possible.

It was a brilliant plan and it is this voluntary involvement that makes this gift so special.

It is special because it gives individuals – and groups – who are interested in nature conservation – an opportunity to get involved in building the wild flower gardens – not only now – but for years to come – and share the idea of conservation in Namaqualand with their friends.

So Here Is the Deal:

When you buy a tiny plot of land on this island – for yourself or as a gift for someone else – you will automatically receive a special passport – with a very special title – and a very smart and special gift pack!

The bigger the option you choose to buy – the more important the title will be – the larger the plot of land – and the bigger the gift pack you will receive.

Currently there is basically 6 different plot title available: Royalty titles – mostly for couples and families – those will be titles like King & Queen, etc. Then there are Ambassador & Citizen titles for individuals or groups – these also make great corporate gifts. You can see the different package – and what you get – when you visit the website’s online store.

And the lastly, there are smaller fun titles like: Flower Whispers or Honey-Bee titles – and the last and smallest one on the list is the beautiful Namaqualand Daisy title.

The tiny plots are all inside the gates of the new Wild Flower Garden & Reserve.

Just to give you an idea of the tiny plot sizes; the Royalty title plots are the biggest at 72sq feet – that is 6 feet x 12 feet in size. The smaller plots are the Honey-Bee plots at 9 sq feet and the Namaqualand Daisy plots that are only 1sq feet in size.

Let me quickly explain the one question that we get asked a lot.

What does “Land Ownership, Personal Rights & Custodianship” on these tiny plots – inside the Wild Flower Garden – on Na-Koi-Ja-Ma Island – really mean?

Look at it from our world – to raise funds for conservation, we basically sell gift packages – and those gift packages include personal rights and custodianship on a tiny parcel of land inside the Wild Flower Garden.

This means that when we talk about “tiny plots or land ownership” on Na-Koi-Ja-Ma Island, we basically say that we will give you – or transfer to you – personal rights to your plot – and we give you custodianship of your plot.

When you have custodianship of a parcel of land – you basically will have some say on the types of plants that we want to plant on your plot, within the rules of the land obviously. So we are basically populating your plot with plants on your behalf – and if you want to get involved it will be great.

I hope in make sense… I will get back to this a little later.

The fact is: the South African property act does not allow for the registration of ownership of tiny plots at the deeds offices across the country, however – it does allow us to sell personal rights and custodianship of land we own, to individuals, companies or trusts.

The conservation trust control ownership – we have a Tiny Plot: Land Parcel Register Book, it’s a little bit like a mini “deeds office register”. It’s kept with our accountants and lawyers to insure accuracy and gives a little credibility to the process.

What we do is we notarize these tiny plot – each with it own unique number – and then match each plot with the name of its new owner in the register.

The registrations of all the tiny plots are thus notarized in our company’s own records and it also get registered on our online platform, were our clients – who are plot owners – have 24/7 access too.

When registration is done – plot owners receive a digital and printable copy of the signed and notarized certificate – which confirms the personal rights and custodianship of each persons plot on the island.

But here is something important:

As you can imagine, people circumstance changes, and ownership – or rather, personal rights and custodianship on plots change too – they can’t be in one persons name indefinitely – we don’t live a 1000 years right? There has to be an end date – or at least a re-view date.

To make this a fair and win-win offer for all – plot ownership – or personal rights – or custodianship – whatever you want to call it – automatically last for a minimum period of 4 years, 4 months, 4 weeks and 4 days – BUT it  can be extended – quickly and easily with the stroke of a pen.

If plot owners thus wish to extend their ownership on a plot of land for a longer period – during or before it lapses – they are welcome to do so. A small renewal or admin fee may i the future be payable to do this extension – as for now – it is 100% free.

I know – you want to know where the “4-4-4-4-time” period come from?

As you may remember from the Na-Koi-Ja-Ma story, it answers the question – “how long it would take for a beam of light to travel to our nearest star system – Alpha Century – from Na-Koi-Ja-Ma island?

The answer to this question is exactly 4 years, 4 months, 4 weeks and 4 days.

Nice – don’t you think?


Okay cool – now that we answered the question of ownership – let me move on and quickly explain to you what exactly you will get when you buy one or more of these package.

When you buy a package online – this here is the procedure we follow:

We will pen out your plot – it’s exact GPS coordinates will be recorded – it will be registered, in your name, in our company’s Land Parcel Register Book as mentioned before.

We will plant a small signboard on your plot, carrying your name as owner and your official plot number will be on the sighboard – photos will then be taken of your plot and uploaded onto our online database and platform.

From here – with a special password – you will be able to see and access everything on your plot. You will be able to share the photos with your friends, family and colleagues.

As the custodian of a plot of land inside the Wild Flower Gardens & Reserve, – you can choose how you would like us to populate your plot with the indigenous succulent plants of Namaqualand. Don’t worry, we will give guidance on this.

There are specific laws, rules and regulation in South Africa that governs the growing of many of  Namaqualands indigenous plants. You can rest assure that, we take our conservation responsibilities on this very serious.

For example, in South Africa the law requires that plant growers who keep Namaqualand flora must have special licenses & permits to grow and sell some of these indigenous plants.

Our nurseries as well as all the other private nurseries in the surrounding towns has such licenses. The succulent plants that we want to plant on the plot of land you own will be collected from these nurseries.

Licensed plant growers & nurseries keep record of all plants they have in stock and then issue permits when they sell to new owners, – one permit for each plant they sell.

Permits to keep plants will be registered in the name of the Wild Flower Gardens and we will mark the exact GPS locations of the plants on the official permits.

Namaqualand succulent plant experts are available at the Wild Flower Gardens to help you if you need guidance on the types of plants they think will grow the best on your plot.

These experts will keep in contact with you via our online platform messaging service – and they will also share pictures with you and to tell you more about the different plants available and help you choose plants to populate your plot with.

This is all extremely exciting to do and because the plants are specifically grown for the Wild Flower Gardens, they are very reasonably priced.

For example; prices start from as low as $2 per plant to as much as $20 per plant, depending on the species, types and sizes of the plants.

But here is something else – and it is an important point.

We know that everyone is not the same. Not everyone would like to get involved in the nitty-gritty of populate their plots with plants.

And this is fine – because we will never force you to do anything on the plot of land that is registered to your name – not even to buy plants from the nursery to populate it.

If you don’t want to get involved in the population process, we understand completely, – we have volunteers that will love to do it on your behalf.

So, populating your plot of land with plants is not a requirement for any of the title packages we offer. It is 100% your choice. You may even want to choose to leave the wild flowers and succulents that may already grow on your plot as-is, and that is fine – we will care for them either way.

For us, the journey to populate the plots in the gardens with the wild flowers and indigenous succulent plants of Namaqualand is exactly that, – it is a journey of gardening that will, over a period of time, – create the Wild Flower Gardens & Reserve we all dream about today.

Yes, as a first price, we want to embark on this journey with you.

So relax, it’s not a race to the finish, – gardening doesn’t have a start point or an end point – it is always in motion.

Ideally we want this journey to last for years – it may, and it could as well be a journey of trial and error. Most plants will grow – we know that – but others may die.

For now it is what it is because we simply don’t know enough about some of these indigenous plants yet.

In some way, we are not 100% sure what is going to happen. This wild flower garden is a first of it’s kind, it has never been done before in this way and on this scale.

THIS is exactly what makes it such an exciting and thrilling journey.

Who knows; your contribution and your participation might soon lead to new discoveries in the world of desert plants. Imagine that, and if you say “yes” today – and buy a tiny plot you will be a part of all this fun and excitement.

In closing – thank you for listening to me today.

Please support us and accept our invitation to buy one or more of the Title Package we offer to individuals, families and groups around the world – we do this to help save Na-Koi-Ja-Ma Island, but more importantly, to help protect the Fauna & Flora of Namaqualand.

Thank You


Below is an one of the brochures showing one of the Nursery Plants & Prices:

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