Step 1-2-3-4
When you buy a tiny plot of land on this island – for yourself or as a gift for someone else – you will automatically receive a special passport – with a very special title – and a very smart and special gift pack!
The bigger the option you choose to buy – the more important the title will be – the larger the plot of land – and the bigger the gift pack.
There are currently 6 different plot titles available: Royalty titles – they are great gifts to couples and families.
These titles are King & Queen titles, typically for a couple and when this gift is bought for a family – the children can get titles like: Princes and Princesses.
Then there are Ambassador & Citizen titles for individuals or groups – they also make great corporate gifts.
And the lastly, there are smaller fun titles like: Flower Whispers and Honey-Bee titles – and the last one on the list is obviously the beautiful Namaqualand Daisy title.
The tiny plots are all inside the gates of the new Wild Flower Garden & Reserve.
Here is the roll-out and the delivery procedure we follow once we receive your order:
Our graphic designer team will start immediately to prepare your package. This includes getting your personal certificates, passports, posters and other documents ready.
We garden team will pen out your plot – it’s exact GPS coordinates will be recorded – it will be registered, in your name, in our company’s Land Parcel Register Book as mentioned before.
This will then, with your certificates and official letters go to our legal team who will notarize your plot’s registration papers and then sign off on the issue of personal rights and custodianship in your name.
In the meantime our PR team will plant a small signboard on your plot. On the signboard will be your name as owner and your plot’s official number. A few photos will then be taken of your plot and they will be uploaded onto our online database and platform.
A few days later, from this database, – with a special password – you will be able to see and access everything on your plot. You can share it with your friends, family and colleagues.
Also from this platform you will be able to download all your signed documents in your entire package. Get them printed professionally – and then package everything in a nice folder – or just as you wishes.
We will also share a couple of cool package ideas with you.
To see exactly what each package consists off – go to THIS link.
It doesn’t matter what the plot size is you choose to buy – you (or the person you buy it for) will soon be the custodian of a plot of land parcel inside the Wild Flower Gardens & Reserve on Na-Koi-Ja-Ma Island.
As custodian of a plot in the gardens you can choose how you would like us to populate your plot with the indigenous succulent plants of Namaqualand. Don’t worry, we give guidance here.
Namaqualand succulent plant experts are available at the Wild Flower Gardens to help you if you need information on the types of plants they think will grow the best on your plot.
These experts will keep in contact with you via our online platform messaging service – and they will also share new pictures with you and to tell you more about the different plants that are available in the nurseries.
This is all extremely exciting to do and because the plants are specifically grown for the Wild Flower Gardens, they are very reasonably priced.
For example; prices start from as low as $2 per plant to as much as $20 per plant, depending on the species, types and sizes of the plants.
PLEASE NOTE: There are specific laws, rules and regulation in South Africa that governs the growing of many of Namaqualands indigenous plants. You can rest assure that, we take our conservation responsibilities very serious.
For example, in South Africa the law requires that plant growers who keep Namaqualand flora must have a special license & permits to grow and sell some of these indigenous plants.
Our nursery as well as all the other private nurseries in the surrounding towns has such licenses. The succulent plants that we want to plant on the plot of land you own will be collected from these nurseries.
By now you received your package – including your plot – and is ready to give it away as a gift to someone you love or probably care about a lot – or maybe you bought this gift for yourself.
It doesn’t matter what the circumstances are, for most people their journey will end here – and that is fine – their contribution to conservation will be acknowledged and are highly appreciated. Their names will be cast in stone in our Land Parcel Register Book
So, helping financially to populate your plot with plants is not necessary – we have volunteers that will love to do it on your behalf.
Whatever you want to do – it is 100% your choice. You may even want to choose to leave the wild flowers and succulents that may already grow on your plot as-is, and that is fine – we will care for them either way.
For a small group of individuals however, their journey only starts here:
These are the people who would want to get involved in the nitty-gritty of populating their plots with indigenous succulent plants of Namaqualand as we mentioned above.
Our message to them is – thank you – and more importantly – have fun – relax, it’s not a race to the finish, – gardening doesn’t have a start point or an end point – it is always in motion.
Ideally we want this journey to last for years – it may, and it could as well be a journey of trial and error. Most plants will grow – we know that – but others may die.
For now it is what it is because we simply don’t know enough about some of these indigenous plants yet.
In some way, we are not 100% sure what is going to happen. This wild flower garden is a first of it’s kind, it has never been done before in this way and on this scale.
This is exactly what makes it such an exciting and thrilling journey.
Who knows; your contribution and your participation might soon lead to new discoveries in the world of desert plants.
Imagine that…
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How My Purchase Work:
# What You Are Buying
# The Delivery Process
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