We Sell Gifts That Support Nature Conservation


Namaqualand Treasure Hunt

Original price was: $29,00.Current price is: $20,00.

For ONLY $20 you buy the COMPLETE treasure hunt package. This is what you will receive:

  • An very Special Money Certificate – Value R395 – [ZAR = South African Rand]
  • This Certificate CODE will allow you to buy the COMPLETE treasure hunt package at the OFFICIAL treasure hunt site – at zero extra cost. [www.go-get-it.org]


  • The Treasure Map & Game Board,
  • The FIRST Riddle Card,
  • Hunter ID Card [Gives you online access – one person]
  • Rules & Info Pack on how to find the treasure chest.

This is a once-off payment! You do not need to buy anything else.

Click the ADD TO CARD Button and Start The Journey To Find the Treasure!

You can see the official Treasure Hunt Online Platform At:  https://go-get-it.org


The Namaqualand Treasure Hunt is a captivating adventure designed to raise global awareness about the importance of nature conservation in the Namaqualand region of South Africa.

Combining a treasure hunt with a purpose, this initiative celebrates Namaqualand’s history, culture, and natural beauty while contributing to crucial nature conservation efforts.

You can see more detail on the official Treasure Hunt Online Platform At: 


Please join us for wherever you are in the world. Brace yourself for an unparalleled journey of exploration, intrigue, and conservation.

The Namaqualand Treasure Hunt opens its gates to treasure seekers worldwide.

This treasure hunt official “soft-launch” is on 1 September 2023, and extending into the early part of 2024.

This unique and captivating endeavor promises participants an unforgettable experience, all while championing the cause of nature conservation in the breathtaking Namaqualand region.